AskTHEO™ Presents a Complimentary Experience With THEO

Channeled by Spiritual Medium Sheila Gillette

What is the THEO Accelerator?

Register now for the live event
Tuesday, December 11th at 5 pm Pacific / 8 pm Eastern

“You’ve been called here to expand the awareness of your soul, to be all that you can be in this chosen life. It is time for that to be revealed, understood, and experienced—now." - THEO

How would you like to be mentored by someone who truly knows you, loves you, and fully believes in you?

... Someone who knows your heart's desire and knows how to connect you to your soul's wisdom.

... Someone who wants to assist you in releasing limiting beliefs and applying your strengths and passion to living a beautiful life.

We are so fortunate to have access to that mentor ...THEO!

"We see you as the magnificent being you are. If you could see yourself as we see you, there would be no discontent. You would hold yourself in that sacred place and state of unconditional love. A state of being, without doubt, knowing you are a grand creator of life and a life well lived." THEO

We started our first THEO Accelerator mentoring program 6 years ago, and to this day we continue to be blown away by how much transformation we’ve seen in the lives of the program attendees - more confidence, inspiration, courage, abundance, passion, and loving relationships.

Our next Accelerator starts on Wednesday, January 9, 2019. And, we’ve had so many inquiries about what Accelerator is, how this new way of being changes lives, and if it would it be a good fit for you at this time of your life, that we are hosting a complimentary live webinar with THEO to answer all your questions.

Join us this Tuesday, December 11th at 5 pm Pacific for 45 minutes as we speak with THEO live, to get your questions answered, and to hear from our angelic mentors as to why Accelerator works so well.

This should be fun and enlightening.

We hope that you can join us!

Much love,

Sheila and Marcus

P.S. We want you to join live so you can have your personal questions answered. If you have scheduling conflicts please register so you're assured to receive the replay link and information.

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Don’t worry if you can’t join us live – you’ll receive a replay AND two free THEO Downloads just for registering!

asktheo group membership
"As the words flowed from Sheila/THEO, I felt them penetrate to the core of my being. A feeling of love flowed to me and through me like nothing I had ever felt before."
Esther Hicks, Best-Selling Author and Channel for Abraham