
Hello, I’m Maria, your Transformational Shifts Facilitator & Chief Energy Operator. I am Soul Integration Certified by the THEO Group, Inc. to use the Soul Integration™ process in my work with other individuals.

I assist my clients with moving through the stagnant, negative energies that no longer serve them to empower the shifts they want to see in their relationships with time, money, work, travel, & with the loved ones in their life, strengthening their understanding of what living a soul-full & love-filled life means to them.  

Before finding the THEO Group, I was unhappy with my life and the company I worked for. I found myself angry and frustrated far too often. I was negative about the state of the world, politics, and humanity in general. I felt lost with knowing how to identify my true purpose in life. I knew on a soul level I had the ability to connect with my spirit guides and angels, but I was unsure how to do so on a regular basis.

Since finding THEO, I have experienced first hand the transformational shifts that happen when we dissolve our old ways of thinking, eliminating the limiting beliefs that hold us back, by utilizing the healing power of Soul Integration™ and moving thru stagnant energy.  

I had some success going through Soul Integration™ on my own, but it wasn’t until I experienced facilitation led by others in class that I fully felt the powerful capability it has for rapid transformational shifts and healing. The doubts or uncertainties I had about the process were washed away. Overtime, I felt the fire of previous reactions dissolve to a warm response. I noticed significant improvements when similar situations arose, I could feel the energy had shifted. This shift is what inspired me to become Soul Integration™ Certified to strengthen my ability to assist others on their own personal healing journey.   

I use a guided-approach custom tailored with each of my clients to create a transformational experience unique to their needs. It starts by getting more clear on your path forward to more joyfully loving yourself and the life you live. I utilize a wide array of spiritual & mindfulness-based practices in combination with Soul Integration™ to cultivate greater awareness and self-love. I love teaching clients how to tap into the manifestational, intuitive, psychic, and healing capabilities that we all have within. Clients love working with me to stay aligned, motivated and accountable to their true intentions.

A few questions I’d ask you to journal about to get us started: 

- What shifts do you want to create in your life to fully step into a life well-lived?
- What do you want to achieve?
- What limiting beliefs do you have holding you back from living the life you desire?
- Where are you feeling stuck?

If any of these questions have you feeling inspired, let’s talk!
Schedule a free 30 minute consultation today! 

It is my honor and pleasure to be of assistance. I look forward to meeting with you!