

I am Salli. THEO's Soul Integration™ process changed my life. I am so grateful for the experience, I am now a practitioner. My integration journey started at the beginning of the Pandemic and I attribute my ability to stay centered, calm, and peaceful during these turbulent times to this process. In addition, peace in my home is at its highest and my healing arts business flourished. This state of being is available to all.

Together we can use this process to facilitate your journey empowering you and your spiritual light by releasing stagnant energy in the body such as fears, anxieties, trauma, and limiting beliefs one holds about one's self. In my experience, releasing these energies allows your inner light to shine bringing you the experience of unconditional love, joy, peace, harmony, and much more.

A recent testimonial:
"I really appreciate Salli's healing energy. She is very supportive of my emotional and spiritual healing. Working together, I experienced more of a shift in my physical, mental, and emotional health in the last 4-5 months than in the last few years together." Shanna Swezey

Visit my website for contact information, to schedule an appointment, or call me today to discuss how THEO's Soul Integration™ process changes lives.

Gratitude and wholeness,
