Register for our next complimentary live, virtual event

Complimentary AskTHEO Live - The Path to Rapid Manifestation

Wednesday, June 19 from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm PDT

  • Collapse timeframes for turning dreams into reality
  • Identify subconscious blocks to manifesting magic
  • Harness the power of intention
  • Amplify your vibrational frequency of attraction

Complimentary Open To Magic Guided Meditation

When you register, you'll get instant access to a very special Open To Magic guided meditation. Hear THEO's words and Barry's transcendental tones combined in one magical experience.

Register For Free

Note: By registering for this event, you will be added to our email list and we may send you THEO-related news, updates and invitations.

"It is a time of expansion, moving very quickly into this new world. In that is a solid state of unconditional love that will come to fruition. Trust the process."


We’re happy you found us!

Are you ready to move through life with more confidence that you can bring your dreams into reality on an advanced timeline? Most of us experience ebbs and flows in our manifestation journey - one day we’re riding the wave of effortless synchronicity, and the next it feels like we’re wading through mud.

But what if we could consistently access the vibrational frequency of  attraction and manifestation? THEO tells us this is not only possible; it’s our natural state of being. We’re thrilled to invite you to our next complimentary AskTHEO live event, where we’ll hear THEO’s insight into developing a powerful manifestation practice with ease and joy.

We look forward to seeing you there!

In this complimentary AskTHEO Live event, THEO, a collective of 12 archangels channeled by Sheila Gillette, will share their insights on the topic in a Q&A format.  You’ll have the opportunity to learn, ask questions, and experience THEO’s unique energy.

We look forward to seeing you there!

To your well-lived life,

Marcus and Sheila


"As Executive Producer and host of Conscious Media Network I’m regularly exposed to high levels of intellect and esoteric knowledge, much of it of great value. The work of Sheila and the Theo group, however, brings an even deeper level of truth and mature spiritual understanding that strikes me to the core of my own sense of higher truth. Theo communicates with clarity, compassion, directness and integrity, which, I feel, is what people are craving in these chaotic times. Theo provides a calm port for our mind and emotions in which to consider our lives in a new way."

Regina Meredith, Conscious Media Network

“THEO's wisdom is direct, clear, and up-lifting. Anyone who takes these teachings to heart will advance spiritually and enjoy deeper peace and enriched relationships with Spirit, self and others. I am grateful that this voice of higher truth is touching many people through the dedicated service of Sheila and Marcus.”

Alan Cohen, Best selling author of 'I Had it All the Time'

“One of the best gifts honestly for me in the year 2011 was meeting Sheila and Marcus Gillette and THEO. And getting to know about your work and seeing the difference you’re making in the world and people’s lives. I’ve been in this work for almost 35 years and to meet you this year has been such a gift!”

Mary Morrissey, Best Selling Author, Speaker and Consultant

About AskTHEO Events

Our AskTHEO Live Complimentary events provide a wonderful way for you to connect with THEO in an intimate and convenient way.

Our regular live events bring together our global community to access THEO's wisdom, support and guidance on a multitude of topics.

THEO covers a range of topics and each event is as unique as the last. Many events also include a live Q&A session where members can ask questions to THEO directly. NOTE: THEO Group Members have priority when it comes to asking questions (explore more about membership here).

Register Now

Fill in your details below to reserve your spot for our next complimentary live event.

Ready For More?

We’re so thrilled you’re here, registering for our next live event. If you’re ready to start your journey with us right now though, you don’t have to wait.

AskTHEO Dialogue: On Soul Integration™

This dialogue with THEO was created to introduce you to the core principles of THEO’s Soul Integration™ teachings. Some of the discussion topics include emotional mastery, the inner journey meditation techniques, shifting dis-empowering beliefs, how the Soul Integration™ process affects every aspect of your life, how your spiritual awakening accelerates – and much more! This AskTHEO Dialogue includes an mp3 audio and eBook.

Plus, 6 Soul Integration™ related THEO Guided Meditations

  • Soul Integration™ – Begin the journey of discovering who you really are as THEO guides you into experiencing the multidimensionality of your soul.
  • Letting Go of Fear – As you become more Soul Integrated™ you will move through fears and resistances that may be holding you back from living a truly empowered and passionate life.
  • Power of Change – Change is the one inevitable thing in all of our lives. Many handle change well – some not so much – but with THEO’s guidance, you may feel more empowered to make the changes in your life that will move you confidently in the direction of your dreams and desires.

Note: Each meditation includes Tibetan Bowls and Ambient Electronic Versions

Total Package only $47

[Retail Value $81 – a 42% savings]

Registration Open: Spiritual and Psychic Exploration Mentorship Program with THEO

Each and every one of us has the inner power to manifest and create a life of infinite potential. Our Spiritual and Psychic Exploration Mentorship Program with THEO was designed to support people just like you to explore, expand and elevate your gifts…

Whether you’ve been honing your intuitive skills for years or your awareness is just blossoming, this highly interactive, focused experience with THEO’s guidance will meet you where you are and expand your unlimited potential.

Over 12 exciting weeks, you’ll work directly with THEO as they guide you through a comprehensive curriculum of psychic and spiritual expansion.

This transformational program sees you…

  • Explore a number of psychic themes to learn about the way that you can make magic in your life.
  • Align with the powerful spiritual and psychic being you’ve been all along.
  • Tap into your inner guidance system to make the right decisions and take the right steps toward your dream life.
  • Connect with spiritually aligned explorers as you create more awareness, abundance, and FUN in your world!

Ready to transform your life by letting your gifts into your life?