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We started our first Thrive mentoring program 7 years ago, and to this day we continue to be blown away by how much transformation we’ve seen in the lives of the program attendees - more confidence, inspiration, courage, abundance, passion, and loving relationships.

Our next Thrive starts on Tuesday September 25th at 11 am PDT [evening for our European friends!]. And, we’ve had so many inquiries about what Thrive is, how this new way of being changes lives, and if it would it be a good fit for me at this time of my life, that we are hosting a complimentary live webinar with THEO to answer all your questions

We'll be answering questions like:

Why did we begin the program?
How does the program work?
Why does THEO say this is a fertile time?
Would it be a good fit for me?
What are potential outcomes?

You are invited to join us this Thursday at 11 am PDT for 45 minutes as we speak with THEO live, to get your questions answered, and to hear from our angelic mentors as to why Thrive works so well in transforming lives, permanently.

Experience true unconditional love of self
Find out what holds you back
Discover tools to shift your life permanently
Explore and enjoy your soul path

You are invited to join us this Thursday at 11 am PDT for 45 minutes as we speak with THEO live, to get your questions answered, and to hear from our angelic mentors as to why Thrive works so well in transforming lives, permanently.

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