Dialogue: Universal Laws


[38:05 minutes]

Includes Audio mp3 + Companion eBook

About self-love THEO says:

“. . . to not simply give lip service to it but breathe it, feel it, taste it.  Have it permeate every cell of the body…that is self-love and that is a Soul Integrative™ process where there is a recognition of all aspects of self and the love of what one would say the positive and also the negative, blessing and loving all parts of one’s being and have gratitude for it."  THEO

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Dialogue: Universal Laws[38:05 minutes]

Includes Audio mp3 + Companion eBook

Many ask “Why isn’t the law of attraction working for me?” Well, it’s always working as your life perfectly mirrors the thoughts and feelings you hold about yourself. When asked why the Law is not bringing to you exactly what you desire, THEO’s response is that – on a soul level - we don’t believe that we deserve what it is that we desire. THEO also speaks to the power of thoughts, feelings and - most importantly – the law of self–love.


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